Sunday, May 30, 2010

Is Everything Ones and Zeros?

This is a very long and probably a boring segment to most of you. However, I would encourage you to listen from 3:36 to 7:51 and if you are really brave then on through 12:35. I think it shows how this concept that all things are information only invites more questions that point to our insignificance and a necessity that there must have been an original Creation. I do believe that all things contain information that points to our Creator. As a physicist and author, the man in the video (Vlatko Vedral) does have a humbleness about him that I appreciate.
This sort of helped me to meditate again on the fact that God cannot be figured out. If we could (which is an insane assumption) understand God, then He would not be God. A finite man trying to understand an infinite God who created man's existence and continually sustains him, well the notion is absurd is it not!? Even though He allows us to obtain more information that points to His reality, it seems to only bring more questions. Our brains could literally be driven crazy if it weren't for faith and hope. Some people simply refuse to believe based upon the fact they can't understand or answer a question. I believe that God is infinite, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. My heart and mind except this and thus all questions are siphoned through these realities bringing peace by not allowing mere questions to take precedence.

I want to add that I don't promote everything Mr. Vedral says. He has created an excuse in his mind (randomness) to explain what his mind does not understand, thus allowing for the creation of laws. I more or less find this intriguing, because it gives you an insight into how the mind works when it cannot understand something. I find myself many times looking for an answer to satisfy my questions. When in reality the answer I am looking for can become of higher importance that the reality I already know. I must let my mind rest in the fact the our Creator has infinite wisdom. I am a child trying to understand ways that are so far above my ways that a thousand lifetimes would not be enough to calculate the realities. 
Is this not also what we do for our sin? We are masterful at coming up with reasons to allow our flesh to obtain what it wants. We create in our minds a reality that allows us to be comfortable with breaking God's laws. This is exactly what the minds of those who deny God attempt to do. Those who believe in God and original creation of all things, find these "creations" that men come up with to explain a universe without God, as foolishness. Thus a simple man is more wise than the smartest man on earth. The smart man creates an alternative universe that looks absurd to those who believe in the universe of reality. "Professing themselves to be wise they become fools".

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Because thou hast kept the word of My patience.

Patience is more than endurance. A saint's life is in the hands of God like a bow and arrow in the hands of an archer. God is aiming at something the saint cannot see, and He stretches and strains, and every now and again the saint says - "I cannot stand any more." God does not heed, He goes on stretching till His purpose is in sight, then He lets fly. Trust yourself in God's hands. For what have you need of patience just now? Maintain your relationship to Jesus Christ by the patience of faith. "Though He slay me, yet will I wait for Him."

Faith is not a pathetic sentiment, but robust vigorous confidence built on the fact that God is holy love. You cannot see Him just now, you cannot understand what He is doing, but you know Him. Shipwreck occurs where there is not that mental poise which comes from being established on the eternal truth that God is holy love. Faith is the heroic effort of your life, you fling yourself in reckless confidence on God.

God has ventured all in Jesus Christ to save us, now He wants us to venture our all in abandoned confidence in Him. There are spots where that faith has not worked in us as yet, places untouched by the life of God. There were none of those spots in Jesus Christ's life, and there are to be none in ours. "This is life eternal, that they might know Thee." The real meaning of eternal life is a life that can face anything it has to face without wavering. If we take this view, life becomes one great romance, a glorious opportunity for seeing marvellous things all the time. God is disciplining us to get us into this central place of power.

Revelation 3:10

Monday, May 3, 2010

Shane just returned from his third trip to Haiti a couple weeks ago. He is compiling video from all three trips to be used in a video in the future. Check out a clip that he recently posted. Voodoo Priest Converted