Sunday, December 13, 2009

True Riches

There has been a lot of talk about gold as of late. The value has increased dramatically within the last several years. Some think we may even see $3,000 gold. Hmm...could be I suppose, but it could also be another bubble such as the tech stocks back in the 90's. At any rate, my mind has been thinking on what is valuable. To some, it's silver or gold. To most, it's money in some form or fashion. Solomon taught that true riches are knowledge, understanding and wisdom and should be sought as hidden treasure. If I told you there was a pile of gold hidden somewhere within a 10 mile radius of a particular area and that the value was over 10 million dollars, how hard would you search? Also, what if I guaranteed you could have the 10 million all to yourself if you but only found it? Would you not devote all your efforts tirelessly to find such a treasure?
Our Father is rich beyond all imagination and He has offered these riches to us if we but ask, seek and knock. Oh some see this as asking for selfish desires and that our Father will delight in giving us whatever we want just like a spoiled child. However, we are a child of the King of the Universe and we have all things. What kind of pull then does worldly riches have to a King's son? He has learned the value and reality of what true riches are. Knowledge, understanding and wisdom of the God of the Universe are of more value than the riches of a thousand kings. My friend, these riches are available to us! However, we must ask in faith, nothing wavering. We come at the back of our Saviour and thus we can come boldly to the throne. Our Father does indeed give us what we ask, but always in accordance with His will. He will give us the desires of our heart. Those God-given desires will cause us to seek and pray for the true treasures. God will give good gifts to His children. Has He not given us His Spirit? Will He not grant us more of Himself?
Sometimes it seems as if He stops by for a visit and then quickly leaves. The emptiness left is somewhat unbearable the times He seems to leave for good. Yet, I know He will never leave or forsake us. What seems contradictory is a flaw within our own humanity is it not? Doubts arise from our hellish nature. What is the remedy? Surely we see through a glass darkly. Many nights we are in the garden flat on our face begging for strength, our sword barely holding our head above the ground. Blood falls to the same ground where our God and countless saints have fought. This blood is not lost my friend! It's gathered into the bosom of our loving Father. Not one tear goes without notice.
We are in a real battle my brothers and sisters. What then does worldly riches profit? Take a thousand soldiers with all worldly goods and let them face but one soldier who has the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of a thousand wise men and the choice is obvious. Let the thousand come with all there furry. This one soldier will stand upon a mountain. He will pray for it to be moved, for the ground to break open and the lightning to strike. He knows the heart of God and will ask and receive, because he prays according to His will. He comes not with spears or swords, but with the hosts of heaven on his side. He stands not in his pride, but in his knowledge of the Holy.
True riches are to know God. To understand Him (though imperfectly). There is even wisdom in a soldier laying all weapons down and submitting to his foes. When to do this takes wisdom and can accomplish more than the slaying of a thousand enemies.
No matter how much my mind contemplates various needs of my heart, it always comes back to one essential know Him.

"Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me..."
Jer. 9:23-24a

1 comment:

Shane said...

Praise be to God for His kindness in using you to remind me of these things, and giving you the grace to say it!