Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I am not necessarily endorsing the book, since I've never read it.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

No Mail Today

car accident on the way home
glad i missed that one
mother crossing the street
making sure her children are safe
a dead dog lies on the side of the road
hmm i wonder if that's the one
on the missing dog posters?
there's the guy that runs
every night after work
what is he running from anyway?
hope i miss the red light this time
then i won't have to look
in that homeless man's face again
probably spend the money on beer anyway
if i was thoughtful i could of at least brought a sandwich
oh boy, my car is filthy
but it's too late to go to the car wash
maybe i could pay the homeless man to wash it
nah too much trouble
i'll just go home, get the mail
like i always do
wait, it's a holiday
which one is it? oh yeah
Veteran's Day
i almost forgot

Copyright © 2010

Written in remembrance (a little late) of the freedom we have been given to live lives that allow us to think of mundane things while others live or have lived days/years wondering if they had another minute to live.