Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Protect your children: Teach them to love Truth.

Lately I've seen or heard a lot of statements from Christians that are very concerning. I wonder how in the world someone can believe or think something contrary to what it is very clear in the Bible? In most cases I think it is unintentional, but this is concerning. Many people are taught to base things on feelings or perhaps solid arguments that support an idea. Shouldn't the simple question be "Is it true"? Please understand that my intentions are not to convince you that my way is always the right way. My concern is simply that I see many people who do not seek out what is true, but rather what is popular, convenient or feels good. This kind of thinking is a basis for error, corruption and destruction in the generations to come. I've been thinking lately about how to protect my children even as they get older and leave the home. Will they follow the Bible, or some trend, or new idea pushed by a church who is guided by feelings instead of truth? My thinking will be wrong sometimes, but if I teach my children to love truth, then they will not just do something because "dad said it", but they will love a truth simply because it is true. My children may not have my same convictions on everything, but will they love truth? Can we sit down and have conversations based on the desire to analyze and follow what is true, instead of prove our opinion? This takes humility. We must be willing to admit we are wrong...for we will be. I never quite understood the verse in Proverbs 23:23 "Buy the truth, and sell it not..", but I wonder if this is exactly what is being communicated? Buy truth! Don't sell it for trends, ideas or pressure! May our children love truth, for God is Truth. May our children hate lies, for the devil is its father.

A few thoughts I had tonight on truth, to pass down to the next generation:

-Truth of God's Word (seeking what is true and not with preconceived ideas)
-Truth in Conversation (be careful what you say and don't believe every word, but test)
-Truth in Trends (can be a form of control to sell or motivate)
-Truth in History (FACTS and not just American heroism or political expediency)
-Truth in Friendship (Be honest and be willing to accept honest feedback)
-Truth in Media (don't be overly influenced simply by emotional or crafty deliveries)

May our children say, "I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgements have I laid [before me]. Ps 119:30