Monday, September 19, 2011


I once was a slave to sadness
Now I am a slave to joy
Though sometimes I long
for the sad path
Your love grips my soul

To gorge on fleshly lusts
To relish in temptations of Hell
I remember then the happiness
of when Your Holy Spirit fell
Nothing I did or can possibly do
changed this heart of mine
You reached down in mercy
and forgave my every crime
You loved me with no conditions
Upon Grace You did pursue
And changed my heart of sadness
to give desires that were new
Now a battle rages
between the sadness and the joy
Give me power of resistance
The power of Your Word employ
I am forever grateful
That I am still a slave
but now it is Your righteousness
for which my heart doth crave

I once was a slave to sadness
Now I am a slave to joy
Though sometimes I long
for the sad path
Your love grips my soul
