Wednesday, December 23, 2009

True Winter Solstice

I was just watching Fox News and saw this saying that was posted at the state capital of Illinois. I decided to immediately make a poem of a rebuttal. My idea is that his thinking is backwards, thus I began the poem how he ended it. I sent this poem to Fox News. Please pray God will use this to cause people to think on the absurdity of the Atheist's comments. I posted his saying first and then my poem below it, so you can compare the two...

At this season of
may reason prevail.

There are no gods,
no devils, no angels,
no heaven or hell.
There is only our natural world.
Religion is but
myth and superstition
that hardens hearts
and enslaves minds.

And my rebuttal...

At this season of
May Truth prevail

Your mind is enslaved
Because your heart is hardened
Myth and superstition
Is your religion
There is only our real world
In Heaven or hell you’ll be
With angels or devils for eternity
There are no gods but One
Your reason will fail

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