Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cold as Hell

It’s snowin'
Hearts are frozen
Hell hath given
a frozen flame
Burning with pride
hot with sin
they are not
the one to blame

Tongues are waging
war of worlds
only their state
is vital
Forgetting the hurting
forgetting the dying
nothing matters
but their title

I can speak
but it doesn’t matter
my tongue is stuck
to a frozen pole
All they hear
is a bunch of mumbling
they see my face
but not my soul

As I tire
I stop
my talking
look at the icy sea
I see my reflection
in this ocean
and I realize
the problem is me.

Copyright © 2010 Brian Jackson All rights reserved

I have seen hearts hardened to the tragedy in Haiti. It seems as if they are watching a movie with a sad scene and then go unto another movie. I do not say this with pride, for I only went because the Lord burdened my heart to go. Quite honestly my heart was cold and only awakened by a tragedy. What was I doing before this?...not much. I don't necessarily see a hero in someone responding to this tragedy. The humble person was already reaching out to those in need secretly and quietly without world coverage. Let me ask you as I ask myself...What are we doing in our own little worlds? Are we feeding the poor? We have our friends and family over for dinner, but what about a person in need? Yeah I know we are in America and I don't recommend to pull someone off the street. America has soup kitchens, mission homes etc. I am asking, do we look for true needs to meet, or do we need to see an emotional demonstration on television? God's heart is for the poor, the fatherless and the widows. Haiti truly is a tragedy and I don't want to down play it. I had a hard time just functioning today at work when I know people are in desperate need in Haiti. It's a need that we can see with our physical eyes. Brethren, let's open our spiritual eyes and see that an earthquake has hit America. Dead bodies are laying everywhere. The stench of our sins has risen to heaven and our God is just to destroy. Thank God for His long-suffering. See the bodies trapped in the rubble. Reach out to them in love. Love is what we need. Love to see, love to care, love to pray, love for the sinner, love for the saint. Love is the fulfillment of the law. Love God. Love your neighbor as yourself. May God grant us this love.

2 comments: said...

Hi Brian, We at the Detwiler home prayed for you tonight,in reading your blog you confirmed what we prayed for you about, the transition to the "normal" life after seeing such horrific needs. May God strengthen you.
You are a very good writer, and a dear brother!
by His grace,

BrianJ said...

Thank you so much. I could definitely see and feel the prayers of God's people throughout this trip. What a blessing to be able to go covered with the prayers of His people!